I'm back even though I know you are thinking from where in the vast universe and what black whole did you crawl out of. I know I have been gone for a while. I want to humbly give my deepest regards to you or whom ever I may have offended by my absents and now my return (pause for laughter here). I do want to extend a humble greeting from the end of the universe and back as your future friends and now my friends are very excited to meet you one day. It is unfortunate that I will not be allowed to share my travels with you at this time. However, be assured that one day I will and as I have promised about this blog it will be every thing you thought it could be and more but for now if you just have to have an excuse lets chalk it up to writers block. Just in case you are wondering or the wrong eyes are reading this. Yes, writers block can be as long as 8 months.
Since I have been back ... you guessed it I went to the movies. One of my most favorite places to be because it gives me a chance to let my imagination run wild. So here it goes my latest review for DISTRICT 9. Are you scared yet? You should be.
District 9 the movie is a "what if" version of aliens landing on earth, getting stuck, and the governments answer as to how to fix the problem with segregation putting the aliens in implorable conditions with military confinement. It shows humans at their worst with greed and prejudice being the main mind set of all the human lead characters. Until the main character who is normally a pencil pushing nerdy son-in-law is promoted to head of operation to transport all the aliens from the slums that they are in to a concentration camp his company is building. His job is to convince all aliens no matter what it takes that moving is the best for them. That is until the clumsy son-in-law messed up and was contaminated by spilling fuel (the only chance the aliens had to escape) on his arm making him the only known human to run highly intelligent weaponry. The lead character sees the light after having to flee for his own life because now he is worth more to his company dead than alive and his only ally is an alien and alien's son that he almost killed a day earlier. Everyone turns against the lead character causing him to find heart but again only for the selfish reason of some day returning back to human form.